Given two words beginWord and endWord, and a dictionary wordList, return the length of the shortest transformation sequence from beginWord to endWord, such that:

  • Only one letter can be changed at a time.
  • Each transformed word must exist in the word list. Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.

Example 1:

Input: beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
Output: 5
Explanation: As one shortest transformation is "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog", return its length 5.

Example 2:

Input: beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
Output: 0
Explanation: The endWord "cog" is not in wordList, therefore no possible transformation.


  • 1 <= beginWord.length <= 100
  • endWord.length == beginWord.length
  • 1 <= wordList.length <= 5000
  • wordList[i].length == beginWord.length
  • beginWord, endWord, and wordList[i] consist of lowercase English letters.
  • beginWord != endWord
  • All the strings in wordList are unique.



Time complexity : O(26^l * n) l: word len, n: # wordlist
Space complexity : O(n)

class Solution {
    int ladderLength(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string>& wordList) {
        unordered_set<string> dict(wordList.begin(), wordList.end());
        if (!dict.count(endWord)) return 0;
        int l = beginWord.size();
        int step = 0;
        queue<string> q;
        while (!q.empty()) {
            queue<string> next_q;
            while (!q.empty()) {
                string cur_s = q.front(); q.pop();
                for (int i=0; i<l; ++i) {
                    char orig_c = cur_s[i];
                    for (char next_c='a'; next_c<='z'; ++next_c) {
                        if (next_c == orig_c) continue;
                        cur_s[i] = next_c;
                        if (cur_s == endWord) return step+1;
                        if (!dict.count(cur_s)) continue;
                    cur_s[i] = orig_c;
            q = next_q;
        return 0;

可用 graph traversal 的觀點來看此題。
start node 為 beginWord,將 node 中各個字母依序換成 a…z 可得到往外一圈的擴展。
若擴展出來的字存在 wordList 中才留著,其它不保留。
直到擴展到 endWord 為止,看擴了幾圈。

Bidirectional BFS

class Solution {
    int ladderLength(string beginWord, string endWord, vector<string>& wordList) {
        unordered_set<string> dict(wordList.begin(), wordList.end());
        if (!dict.count(endWord)) return 0;
        unordered_set<string> q1({beginWord});
        unordered_set<string> q2({endWord});
        int step = 0;
        int l = beginWord.size();
        while (!q1.empty() && !q2.empty()) {
            // always expand the small one first.
            if (q1.size() > q2.size())
                swap(q1, q2);
            unordered_set<string> next_q;
            for (string s: q1) {
                for (int i=0; i<l; ++i) {
                    char orig_c = s[i];
                    for (char c='a'; c<='z'; ++c) {
                        if (c == orig_c) continue;
                        s[i] = c;
                        if (q2.count(s)) return step+1;
                        if (!dict.count(s)) continue;
                    s[i] = orig_c;
            swap(q1, next_q);
        return 0;

減少計算量,start 與 end node 輪流跑 BFS,若其中一方跑到的字存在於另一方的 q 中,就結束了。