Task 1

Q : What does the 3-letter acronym FTP stand for?
A : File Transfer Protocol

Task 2

Q : Which port does the FTP service listen on usually?
A : 21

Task 3

Q : What acronym is used for the secure version of FTP?

Task 4

Q : What is the command we can use to send an ICMP echo request to test our connection to the target?
A : ping

Task 5

Q : From your scans, what version is FTP running on the target?

[host] # nmap -sVC --open <target_ip> -oA Fawn_init_scan

A : vsftpd 3.0.3

Task 6

Q : From your scans, what OS type is running on the target?
A : Unix

Task 7

Q : What is the command we need to run in order to display the ‘ftp’ client help menu?
A : ftp -h

Task 8

Q : What is username that is used over FTP when you want to log in without having an account?
A : anonymous

Task 9

Q : What is the response code we get for the FTP message ‘Login successful’?
A : 230

Task 10

Q : There are a couple of commands we can use to list the files and directories available on the FTP server. One is dir. What is the other that is a common way to list files on a Linux system. A : ls

Task 11

Q : What is the command used to download the file we found on the FTP server?
A : get


Q : Submit root flag

[host] # ftp ftp://anonymous@<target_ip>
ftp> ls
ftp> get flag.txt
ftp> exit
[host] # cat flag.txt

A : 035db21c881520061c53e0536e44f815